
Antiblocking Aid Silica For Films Similar Gasil AB905


Antiblocking Aid Silica For Films Similar Gasil AB905

1. Silica Powder: The main character of the film, Silica Powder is a fine, white powder that is used as an anti-blocking  agent in various industries. It is known for its ability to prevent the sticking and clumping of materials, making it an essential  component in the production of anti-blocking films. 2. Anti-blocking Film: This character represents the final product that is created using Silica Powder. The film is designed to  prevent the adhesion of two surfaces, ensuring easy separation and improved functionality. It plays a crucial role in various  industries, including packaging, agriculture, and manufacturing. 3. Packaging Industry: This character represents the industry that heavily relies on anti-blocking films. It includes manufacturers  of food packaging, pharmaceutical packaging, and other consumer goods. The packaging industry values the use of silica powder  in anti-blocking films as it helps maintain t…