
Arema standard Railway Fish plate


Arema standard Railway Fish plate

Arema standard Railway Fish plate Fishtail plate is a kind of railway accessories,and railway accessories are more important items on the railway.The use of 100-8 insulated fish platethan rail butt welding technology to save labor,installation is simple and fast,high strength fishtail bolt railway equipment fishtail plate and fishtail bolt matching use.The 100-8 fish plate is provided with screw holes in the middle part,the upper and lower sides of the horizontal axis of the screw holes are provided with the upper working face contacting with the lower part of the rail head,and the lower working face contacting with the upper part of the rail bottom. Packing Methods of AREMA Rail Fish Plates We can use iron tray packing rail fish plates This method is to place the iron tray ender the rail fish plate. The iron bars were fixed around, and the iron bars passed through the hollow iron tra…