
Automatically cap two colors screen printing machine


Automatically cap two colors screen printing machine

Automatic two-color no fixed point bottle silk screen machine / /  Characteristics Introduce This automatic two-color screen printing machine is designed for printing non-locating caps and hoses. It has independent feeding system, efficiently printing. It support a variety of caps and hoses through replacing the fixtures. It is suitable for part of bowl and cup shaped products with little tapers. At present, in the market, the automatic bottle printing machine all is connect-type, the bottle goes into the second printing unit for the second color printing after the fist color. Due to the length of the direction of tolerance, such kind screen printing machine can do 5 colors or 6 colors, but this type of screen printing machine is only suitable for positioning products. No fixed point of the bottle, the hose must be used to chain structure type screen printing machine, only this kind screen printing machine could do overprint. It is suitable for most types of plastic materi…