
Best Quality Electro Galvanized Steel Wire


Best Quality Electro Galvanized Steel Wire

Best Quality Coil Spool 2mm Electro Galvanized Steel Wire Galvanized Steel Wire is designed to prevent rusting and shiny silver in color. It is solid,durable and extremely versatile, it is widely used by landscapers, craft makers, building and constructions,ribbon manufacturers, jewelers and contractors.Its aversion to rust makes it extremely useful around the shipyard,in the backyard, etc. The galvanized steel wire improves the unevenness of the wire.The zinc layer is able to cover up the fine lines on the wire.This makes the surface of the wire appear flatter and smoother .It will be used for the garden  fence will look particularly beautiful. Product Details Wire Gauge No. B.W.G.(BIRMINGHAM WIRE GAUGE) inch mm 4 0.283…