
Cold-applied Polymeric Tape Coatings


Cold-applied Polymeric Tape Coatings

Forever’s cold-applied polymeric tape coating are manufactured with polyethylene or polypropylene as the main coating material coated with a layer of proprietary formulation consisting of butyl rubber and with suitable primers to obtain the required coating properties under the prevailing installation and operating conditions.Forever’s cold-applied polymeric tape coating system providing reliable corrosion protection and mechanical resistance to metal pipes, underground steel pipes, and bare bends and girth weld joints of PE, Epoxy & PP coated pipes by manual and mechanical application.   The installed product provides outstanding adhesion and elastic properties. It has excellent anti-aging and UV resistance properties. The high tensile strength and elongation of the backing material offers superior mechanical protection. Forever’s cold-applied polymeric tape coating system are used Innerwrap tape, Outerwrap tape  and Joint…