
Cryopump repair and servicing


Cryopump repair and servicing

Cryopump repair and servicing is a critical process that ensures the reliability and longevity of these essential vacuum devices. Our comprehensive service includes a range of activities designed to maintain the high performance of your cryopump, whether it's a Trillium Cryoplex® or a CTI CryoTorr® model . Disassembly and Cleaning: We start with a complete disassembly of the cryopump, followed by ultrasonic cleaning to remove any contaminants that may affect its performance . Component Replacement: We replace key components such as the 15K condensing array, silicon diodes (if equipped), indium gaskets, and O-rings. We also inspect and test the 80K condensing array, radiation shield, and hydrogen vapor gauge (if equipped) to ensure they meet or exceed OEM specifications . Helium Side Maintenance: Our service includes replacing first and second stage displacer seals, motor bearings, upper/lower bushings, and exhaust valve bodies. We also inspect and test the Scotch yoke, v…