
Deep Bed Denitrification Filters for Wastewater Treatment


Deep Bed Denitrification Filters for Wastewater Treatment

Deep Bed Denitrification Filters for Wastewater Treatment Deep bed denitrification filters for wastewater treatment is filtering liquids through deep beds of porous granular media to improve their clarity is a treatment process often used in tertiary wastewater filtration for reuse. SEND INQUIRY Product Details Product Description The deep bed denitrification filter is mainly used for upgrading the standard of sewage treatment plant, from Grade B to Grade A standard. The denitrification deep-bed filter is a treatment unit that combines biological denitrification and filtration functions into one, and is a unique advanced treatment process with simultaneous denitrification and filtration. The denitrification deep-bed filter adopts quartz sand of special specifications and shapes as the medium for denitrifying organisms. At the same time, the deep bed is also an excellent removal structure for nitrate nitrogen (NO3-N) and SS. During filtration, nitrate nitrogen The a…