
EBZ160 Coal Mine Heading Machine


EBZ160 Coal Mine Heading Machine

EBZ160S Roadheader for Coal Mine Exploration Use The universal shield-mounted boom can be fitted with different cutting tools from a shovel, a ripper tooth or a hydraulic jackhammer, and a roadheader boom can be fitted for when rock of 80 MPa or more is encountered. The excavated material is transported by belt or chain conveyors to the conveying system located at the rear of the operation. The operator of a partial-face shield-mounted boom machine is located just a few meters from the open tunnel face allowing for precise control of excavation and swift reaction to changes in the ground conditions. Mechanical excavators are preferred to conventional drilling and blasting as blasting poses several regulatory and operational issues. The roadheader is a machine for excavating rock in mining and civil construction projects. It is a hybrid machine, with better manoeuvrability than that of tunnel boring machines. It can cut rocks even up to 160 MPa, if laminated or fractured, in different t…