
Fruits Blueberry Clamshells Packing


Fruits Blueberry Clamshells Packing

This is a Disposable Clear Fruit Plastic Packaging Boxe specially designed for blueberry . The capacity of the blueberry box is 6oz. We have different bottom depths for the same size clamshell. Adjustable bottom depth, suitable for different sizes of blueberry fruit.This side-vented clamshell holds 1 pint of blusberries or cherry  or tomatoes as well as 8 oz. 12oz etc.  This Blueberries Clamshell is well-designed side vents around the lid completely solve the problem of moisture condensation in the lid. Blueberry clamshell also has 16 side vents at the bottom. The design of the punnet with side air holes allows cold air to reach the center of the product quickly when Plastic Blueberry Boxes are stacked on the shelf. The results show that the rapid cooling rate of punnet with side punching hole is 20-40% faster than that of packaging with general plane air vent. The size of our Berries Punnet is fully matched with the universal fruit and vegetable paper carton tray.…