
Green diode laser with narrow linewidth at 520nm


Green diode laser with narrow linewidth at 520nm

Product Description     The MDL-E-X Laser family offers a broad range of ECL-based narrow linewidth lasers in UV,IR, visible spectrumand  wavelengths in an integrated photonic packaging platform called Integrated Laser Module (ILM) Package System. This system of packaging was designed with the end user application needs in mind: highly integrated, rugged form factor and a self-contained module. This optical product solution has maximized the ECL product performance .     Green diode laser with narrow linewidth at 520 with the characteristics of ultra narrow spectral linewidth<0.03 nm, are ideal for use in DNA sequencing, flow cytometry, digital imaging, analytical chemistry, particle measurements, confocal microscopy, Raman Spectroscopy and many other applications. Housed in ultra compact packages, these lasers are the perfect choice for OEM instrumentation, system design and integration, and also for end user applications in researc…