
Healthy Original Pure Nature Mixed-flower Honey


Healthy Original Pure Nature Mixed-flower Honey

Nature Mixed-flower Honey is deep amber color, dark, because of different varieties, honeydew transparent or slightly turbid, luster. Texture is thick, jujube honey is not easy to crystallization, need long time under the condition of low temperature to see slow crystallization process. Muddy smell, has the rich smell of special (jujube flower fragrance). Taste sweet greasy, sweetness, mildly spicy throat, aftertaste. Sweet and tasty, especially women preferred. Our advantages: 1)    Completed beekeepers and bee honey resources:More than 20 apiaries, bee farms more than 1000, beekeepers reach 5000 people,raw honey supply capacity more than 20000 tons/year.   2)    Thorough raw honey material management: More than 500 bases in 30 years bee planting experiences, strictly accordiance with EU,Japan and other marketing quality requirements to make qualified bees;   3)    Str…