
High performance 20K cryocooler


High performance 20K cryocooler

The High-Performance 20K Cryocooler is a sophisticated cooling system designed to achieve temperatures as low as 20 Kelvin, catering to a variety of demanding applications. This cryocooler is engineered with advanced technology to provide stable and efficient cooling, making it suitable for high-temperature superconductivity systems, hydrogen recondensation, and small amount LH2 generation. Performance parameter Extreme temperature:<8K Cooling capacity (50Hz): Level 1 65W@70K /Level 2 5W@20K Cooling time:<30 minutes Maintenance time: 10000 hours Quality: 15kg     Product Advantages: Enhanced Cooling Capacity: The RDK-500B2 model from Sumitomo Heavy Industries, Ltd. boasts a first-stage capacity of 45/50 W @ 20 K (50/60 Hz), offering a significant cooling capacity that can be utilized in high-temperature superconductivity systems and hydrogen applications. Rapid Cooldown Time: This cryocooler achieves an impressive cooldown time to 20 K in less than 50 minutes, e…