
High quality tinned copper clad aluminum wire


High quality tinned copper clad aluminum wire

High quality tinned copper clad aluminum wire,Tinned Copper Clad Steel TCCS Tinned copper-clad aluminum uses copper-clad aluminum as the inner conductor. A new type of shielding material produced by tin plating on the surface. Its electrical properties, The mechanical properties are between copper wire and aluminum wire, combining the excellent electrical conductivity of copper with the light weight and It has the characteristics of good shielding, not easy to oxidize, and easy to weld.Copper Clad Copper CCC Application areas: 1. Inner conductors and braided conductor materials of cable television coaxial cables. 2. Used to produce wave-proof sleeves. Wave-proof sleeves are shielding braided sleeves used to prevent radio wave interference or provide protection. 3. Used to produce braided wires. Braided wires are used in soft connecting wires for electrical devices, switching appliances, etc. Processing and customization according to customer needs, direct sales from manufacturers,…