
High Reliability High Power AC DC Power Supply


High Reliability High Power AC DC Power Supply

MTP Series High Power DC Power Supply Overview On the basis of 10~15KW DC power supplies built in 5U rack chassis, through internal modules parallel connection based on iDeal-Electronics’ full-bridge phase-shift soft switching AC/DC power process topology, the High-power DC power supplies with 20KW~30KW output can be made with a 19-inch standard 10U standard chassis with an output voltage range of 50Vdc to 1000Vdc. The High-power switching power supplies with 10U chassis gives the highest output power among the MTP series high-power AC DC power supplies with for rack-mounted chassis. In addition to the standard constant voltage overload output mode, due to the increased space of the chassis, the 10U chassis High power AC-DC power supplies can choose to add a nearly 10% of the discharging unit to cope with the back electromotive force that might generate in the test of the medium power motor.  The 10U chassis high-power DC power supplies are mainly used f…