
HTF-148 Formaldehyde free fixing agent


HTF-148 Formaldehyde free fixing agent

Formaldehyde-free fixing agent for cotton As one of our hot sale Textile And Printing Chemicals, our HTF-148 Formaldehyde free fixing agent is not contain free-formaldehyde and will not release free-formaldehyde, it conforms to environment requirements.  It is suitable for pink, maroon, rose red and other colors of reactive dyes on dyed and printed fabric of cotton、T/C、N/C. It can improve color fastness obviously. Minimal change of shade and color change after fixation.  Minimal effect on light fastness after fixation. No effect on hand feelings. Quality index: Appearance Colorless to light yellow transparent and viscous liquid Solid content 40±1% PH (1% aqueous solution) 3.0-7.0 Viscosity 7000-15000…