
LL Tention Wound Fin Tube


LL Tention Wound Fin Tube

“LL” TENSION WOUND FIN TUBE LL tension wound fin tube is a type of finned tube that is commonly used inheat exchangers and boilers. The "LL" in the name refers to the shape ofthe fins, which are L-shaped and extend from the tube surface at a 90-degree angle. Aluminium fin strip is formed to L shape and tension wound on the tube with overlapping of fins as shown in the figure. Maximum operating temperature for “LL” TENSION WOUND FIN TUBE is 180 deg C. Fin Material- Aluminium (or) copper Tube Material- No theoretical limit Fin Pitch-3 to 11 FPI CAPACITY Simcan has Total seven(7) “LL” TENSION WOUND FIN TUBE finning lines, monthly production capacity is 50,000 per week.