
Macroporous Weakly Acidic Acrylic Acid Type Cation Resin


Macroporous Weakly Acidic Acrylic Acid Type Cation Resin

D113 is a weak acid cation exchange resin of acrylic acid. Itcan be used for softening, dealkalization, deionization and chemical treatment. It is ideal for high TDS water softening and some special applications such as organic aqueous solution treatment and selective separation of heavy metal cations. It can also be used for the separation and purification of biochemical and pharmaceutical substances. D113 has the unique high operation capability and high regeneration efficiency of divalent cation. The resin is supplied in the form of hydrogen (H) or sodium (Na). 1. Phsical and chemical property Item D113 Hydrogen rate% ≥98 Total exchange capacity (mmol/ml) ≥10.80 Volume complete exchange capacity (mmol/ml) ≥4.20 Moisture content(%) 45.00-52.00 Bulk density(g/ml) 0.74-0.82 Specific density(g/ml) 1.160-1.220 Particle size (%) (0.315-1.250mm) ≥95.0 (﹤0.315mm) ≤1.0 Effective grain size(mm) 0.400-0.700…