
Medical Disposable Incision Retractor


Medical Disposable Incision Retractor

Medical Disposable Incision Retractor is a surgical instrument used to keep surgical incisions open during surgery. It is designed to retract the edges of the incision, allowing the surgeon to have a clear view of the surgical site and access underlying tissue or organs. Disposable incision retractors are made of flexible materials such as plastic or silicone and are designed for one-time use to prevent the spread of infection. It is available in various sizes and shapes to accommodate different surgical procedures and incision sizes. A retractor is inserted into the incision and then opened to retract the edges of the incision. It is held in place by a locking mechanism or surgical assistant. After the surgical procedure is complete, the retractor will be removed and disposed of properly. The use of disposable incision retractors reduces the risk of infection and cross-contamination, as well as the need for sterilization and maintenance of reusable retractors. It also saves time…