
Organic Soluble corn dietary fiber Resistant dextrin for organic food


Organic Soluble corn dietary fiber Resistant dextrin for organic food

Organic Soluble corn dietary fiber Resistant dextrin for organic food PRODUCT INTRODUCTION: Natrual corn starch under acidity conditions and heating decomposition can get low molecular weight soluble glucan. White or light yellow (liquid), Can be soluble in water. It can lower blood sugar and regulate blood lipids, contribute to intestinal health and weight control.  APPLICATION: Dietary supplement, Milk powder, tea powder, dairy products, beverage, yogurt, bakery food, health products, coffee, meat products. FUNCTION: Regulate intestinal tract (3-10 g / day) Inhibit blood glucose (5 g per serving) Lower blood sugar, cholesterol (5-10g / time, 3 times / day, for 4 weeks) Reduce neutral fat (5g / time, 3 times / day, for 4 weeks) PHYSICAL PROPERTIES: Dietary fiber content is high: 90% above Water activity is low: easy storage, extended shelf life Low hygroscopicity: no caking, easy to sav…