
Return Line Filter Element 0030


Return Line Filter Element 0030

Metal mesh filter has the advantage of higher strength and higher pressure than glass fiber filter. At the same time, the conventional filtering accuracy can also reach 20 microns. The W/HC stainless steel wire mesh element is widely used in pressure and return line filters. Test standard ISO2942-ISO16889-ISO3968-ISO3724-ISO3723-ISO2943-ISO2941 Filtration rating: W/HC: 25, 50, 100, 200 µm   Size 0030   Available pressure stability: W/HC:20 bar   COMPATIBILITY WITH HYDRAULIC FLUIDS ISO 2943 Hydraulic oil H to HLPD DIN 51524 Lubrication oil DIN 51517, API, ACEA, DIN 51515, ISO 6743 Compressor oil DIN 51506   Supplementary details W=NBR seals, suitable for HFA and HFC emulsions