
Single roller with socket ship's outfit


Single roller with socket ship's outfit

    When mooring on a ship, the roller cable guide is mainly used to change the direction of the cable. Currently, the standard CB/T436-2000 single roller cable guide is usually used in our technology. The cable guide wheel is installed on a fixed base and its height position is fixed and unchanged. The height of the base of the roller cable guide is determined according to the height of the cable. Try to make the cable pass through the center part of the roller cable guide to ensure the smooth passage of the cable. But on a boat, a roller chock often need to undertake the task of change towards more rope, and needed for each cable roller chock height is not the same, in some cases, need more rope roller chock the height difference is bigger, beyond the roller fairlead can mooring roller height range, and the base height of the guide rope roller is fixed, If the height requirements of each cable cannot be taken into account at the same time, the cable may jum…