
Small dosage formulation of Human Hepatitis B Immunoglobulin


Small dosage formulation of Human Hepatitis B Immunoglobulin

Small dosage formulation of Human Hepatitis B Immunoglobulin PRODUCT DESCRIPTION Clinically, Hepatitis B immune globulin (Human) injection is mainly used for interruption of mother-to-child hepatitis B virus transmission, prevention of hepatitis B, prevention and treatment of accidental infection. The validity period is 36 months. We have enjoyed numerous good market reputations with this product. [Drug Name] Human Heptatitis B Immunoglobulin [ Composition] Active ingredient is human Immunoglobulin; excipient is glucose, polysorbate 80, sodium chloride, glycine, injection water  [ Charaters] it is a colourless or light yellow clear liquid, with opalescence but without tubidity. Administration and Dosage: Administration: The product is for intramuscular injection exlusively; Intravenous infusion is contraindicated. Dosage: 1. Prevention of Mother to Child Tran…