
Sophisticated Robust Ultra High Power DC Power Supply


Sophisticated Robust Ultra High Power DC Power Supply

MTP Series High Power DC Power Supply Overview The MTP series DC power supply series are high-power DC power supplies developed by iDealTek-Electronics based on IGBT semiconductor components and adopting AC/DC power processing topology with full-bridge phase-shift soft switching technology. The 500KW ~ 2000KW power supplies reflects the company's strong design and manufacturing capabilities in high-power AC-DC power supplies. The DC power supplies within this power range adopt a floor-standing combined cabinet. The width of the cabinet is determined by the rated output power and output voltage of the power supply. Output voltage up to 2000VDC. This high-power AC/DC power supplies are equipped with a reliable two-stage conversion mechanism drive logic circuit and a fast control loop optimized by iDealTek-Electronics. Which balances the requirements of low output ripple and fast DC output response speed, making this series of High-power switching power supplies…