
Washed Kaolin Clay for High Quality Porcelain


Washed Kaolin Clay for High Quality Porcelain

TZJ-1 calcined kaolin is a fine partical-size grade featuring high brightness.It has been dehydroxylated by controlled heat treatment for removal of crystalline-bound hydroxy groups and to improve brightness.TZJ-1 calcined kaolin is highly pulverized of better dispersion. TZI-1 calcined kaolin is widely used in flat architectural exteri/interior paints as an opacifying extender.it hasa very good balance of optical and mechanical properties and also provides abrasion resistance in traffic paints.TZJ-1 kaolin is a general-purpose grade used in a wide variety of polymeric systems.In these applications,it provides good resilience,low permanent-set and good electrical insulative properties.Typical applications:Water-bome interior/exterior flats,solvent-bome interior/exterior flats,rubbers,TiO2 extension,polyamides,industrial safety coatings,film antiblock,electrical capacitors,rubber sealants/adhesives,plastisols,mechanical rubber goods,electrical wire jacketing,TPE/TPO,EPR power c…