
Wear-Resistant MWD Tungsten Carbide Parts


Wear-Resistant MWD Tungsten Carbide Parts

Application:The products will mainly be used to the vertical well drilling tools, self-activated oscillating-rotating impact drilling tools and MWD and LWD with the functions of flow diversion, flush and seal of the slurry and feed back of the slurry pressure and pulse signal in the adverse working conditions of high pressure,high speed flushing of sand and slurry, high temperature, fatigue wear, gas and liquid corrosion in oil and natural gas prospecting. Main products: The products will be used to upper pan valve complete, lower pan valve, piston, bushing, nozzle of the liquid flow control and automatic push device of vertical drilling tools, flow deflector, vane wheel, vane wheel axle, vane wheel box, nozzle of the self-activated oscillating-rotating impact drilling tools. Mushroom head ( main valve core), flow limitation ring, flow limitation chamber, nose cap, flow divider, flow, spacer sleeve, pulse hole valve, oscillator of self-activated, uooer and lower bearing sleeve and wea…