
White Powder Cation Polyacrylamide Polymer Flocculant


White Powder Cation Polyacrylamide Polymer Flocculant

Cation polyacrylamide (CPAM),with molecular weight belween 6 mil-lion and 12 million, is positively charged in both acidie and alkalinemedia and can effectively flocculate and setle negatively charged sus-pended particle water in sewageSludge dehydrating agent.water trealment flocculant,sewage and organ-ic wastewater treatment,oilfield chemicals,papermaking auxiliary etc. Cation polyacrylamide are used in mud pressing because there are a lot of activatedsludge in biochemical pond in mud pressing. Acuvated sludge becomesnegative charge. Cations make the combination of Yin and Yang betterThe concentration should be controlled at 0. 1-0. 2% when used. When supporting dissolving equipment and drug delivery systemis not used.adissolving dilution tank should be set up. Use screw pump add.theamount according to the actual situation adjustment.